1st August 2020
Palmers Green High School held a ‘uniform day’ last Friday with all proceeds going towards Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice. Pupils are currently continuing their learning from home, with all teachers delivering a full curriculum. The school holds ‘Friday Fundays’ every week as part of their ongoing wellbeing program, which includes a weekly challenge, jokes and dressing up. PGHS decided that putting on their uniform again would be fun for the girls and would also help raise money for this worthy cause.
Pupils selected Noah’s Ark as it is an amazing charity that provides care and support for children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions. They also support their families, enabling them to live life as fully as possible while their child is still alive and also to go on to face the future with hope after bereavement.
At Noah’s Ark, most of the children they are supporting are immunocompromised and particularly vulnerable to coronavirus. They are supporting the NHS through the use of 11 beds for children and families at The Ark and are trying to alleviate some of the pressure on hospital beds and staff at Great Ormond Street. They have also started running a new volunteer-led Shopping and Prescription Service and have managed to fulfil every request that has come through from the families they look after.
The outbreak of COVID-19 has put their ability to continue providing care and support for seriously unwell children and their families under threat. Due to the suspension of so many fundraising events and activities, as of April 2020 they have a projected shortfall of more than £2million – over half of their budgeted income.
Hannah Lucas (Deputy Head and Pastoral Lead) said “PGHS has a long history of supporting local charities. We first chose Noah’s Ark several years ago when they were raising the funds to build their Ark. We are now delighted to be able to help once more through our lockdown event. Pupils had been keen to hold a mufti day to raise money for this outstanding charity but as every day is now non-uniform, we thought we’d try something different. It has been so lovely to see the girls in their uniforms again, especially knowing it’s all for such a great cause.”
Wendy Kempster (Headmistress) added “Who would ever have imagined that children would give up their pocket money in exchange for wearing their School uniform for a day! At PGHS, we hold Noah’s Ark very close to our hearts and I am delighted that girls and staff have entered into the spirit today for such a fabulous cause. Well done everyone!”
You can follow our remote learning journey on @palmersgreenhighschool on insta #PGHSFridayFunday or donate to this cause at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/pghs-virtualuniformday