Our Reception class provides a stimulating and secure learning environment. With excellent resources inside and outside to foster exploration, imagination and independence, the Early Years’ experience at PGHS sets a firm foundation for future learning.
The Preps benefit hugely from the encouragement and expertise of their class teachers and teaching assistants. Favourable teaching group sizes, light and airy classrooms and access to senior school facilities all lead to an inspirational learning environment.
Specialist teaching in PE, Music, French and Drama begins in Reception. In Drama, pupils explore the basics of creativity and imaginative play and are provided with an opportunity to perform in the annual Prep Christmas production. In Music, pupils enjoy singing and percussion lessons in our Music suite and are invited to join the Prep Choir and Prep Violin Club from Year 1.
In Years 1 and 2, pupils have access to a more formal curriculum with additional specialist teaching in Art, Design & Technology, French and Spanish, having access to the dedicated Art Studio and Design & Technology workshop.