In Reception, as with the PGHS Nursery, girls follow the Early Years Foundation Stage which sets out goals for learning. The seven areas are as follows:
Prime Areas
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Communication and language
- Physical development
Specific Areas
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design
Reception provides a stimulating and secure learning environment. With excellent resources inside and outside to foster exploration, imagination and independence, the Early Years’ experience at PGHS sets a firm foundation for future learning. Pupils in Reception experience a mixture of learning through play and independent challenges, one-to-one tasks, small group focused activities and whole class teaching. They have free-flow access to their dedicated outdoor area as well as time with other pupils in the main playground, when links between year groups are developed.
Subject Specialist Teaching
Subject specialist teaching begins with our Reception pupils, which is produced in collaboration with the Drama and Music Departments. Drama takes place in one of our two School halls, providing pupils with opportunities to explore creativity and imaginative play on a larger scale. The girls are all involved in the Prep Christmas Musical Production, which is produced in collaboration with the Music Department. Reception have access to the fantastic resources in our Music Suite for their twice-weekly lessons, where they learn songs and develop their understanding of rhythm through experimenting with percussion. Pupils have three PE lessons a week, focusing on different skills. Over the year they learn dance, gymnastics and games, and the year culminates with the Prep Sports Day event in the Summer Term.
Key Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2)
Pupils in Key Stage 1 begin to follow a more formal curriculum with discrete lessons for most subjects. Alongside the subject specialist teaching for Drama, Music and PE, they have lessons in Art, Design & Technology, French and Spanish.